Yes, but you won't find us in the AppStore.
You can install our femtasy app with 3 clicks via your browser.
How does it work?
Depending on whether you use Android or iOS, it works differently.
For Android users:
1. Open femtasy in your Chrome browser.
2. Tap on the three small dots at the top right to open the menu.
3. Select "install app". Finished!
You can now find femtasy on your home screen and just have to log in again.
For Apple users:
1. Open femtasy in your Safari browser. (unfortunately, it doesn't work with Apple via Chrome)
2. Go to the "Share" icon in the Safari navigation bar.
3. Scroll down until you see the option "Add to home screen" and confirm. Finished!
You can now find femtasy on your home screen and just have to log in again.
Note: If you have the problem that the player turns off as soon as your screen locks, simply update your operating system and the problem will be solved.